Method: addIPToEndSystemGroupWithCustomDataEx

Add an end-system IP address to an ExtremeControl end-system group. You can remove the IP address from other end-system groups and configure the custom fields.


Name Type Description
endSystemGroup string The end-system group name you are changing
ipAddress string The IP address of the end-system
description string Optional information stored in the end-system group with the hostname
reauthenticate boolean Set to true to force reauthentication on the affected end-system
removeFromOtherGroups boolean Set to true to remove the hostname from other end-system groups
custom string The end-system’s new custom fields


Returns a WsResult with a structure defined by the following table.

Name Type Description
errorCode int See the Web Service Error Codes
errorMessage string Error message in readable text
success boolean True if operation is successful


Execute the following web service with a browser. Note the custom field parameter is an array. The 1st custom parameter is associated to Custom Field 1, the 2nd custom parameter is associated to Custom Field 2, the 3rd custom parameter is associated to Custom Field 3, and the 4th is associated to Custom Field 4.